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整个北美, 威尼斯电玩城手游与土著群体合作,确定他们对社区遗产倡议的需求和兴趣. 威尼斯电玩城手游支持社区主导的倡议,包括安全设备和安全计划, 应急准备, 太阳舞, 战俘余, 梅蒂斯人的节日, 早餐项目, cultural/language preservation, 长老项目, 栖息地的保护, 物种保护及其他.

COVID-19 financial support offered to 200+ 土著 groups across North America



Visit our 社区 Giving page to learn more and to apply




We support 社区-led initiatives of 土著 groups that focus on safety, 社区, environment and education and training.

icon-blue-safety.png  安全

确保紧急救援人员得到培训和装备,以便迅速有效地应对当地的需求,这是威尼斯电玩城手游的优先事项. 威尼斯电玩城手游与社区合作,了解如何支持他们的安全举措, including 应急准备, accident prevention and education and training.


  • 安全票培训
  • 应急准备
  • 设备采购
  • 管道施工安全
  • 在第一时间作出回应
  • 公众意识

蓝色安全图标  社区

We fund 社区-led initiatives that support their needs and aspirations. This includes things like cultural preservation and 社区 events.


  • 社区 events and celebrations
  • 文化与语言
  • 土著 health and wellness
  • 体育及康乐
  • 文化项目
  • 青年领袖计划
  • 长者活动及支援
  • Traditional knowledge transfer
  • 管理支持
  • 基础设施

蓝色环境图标  环境

Sustainable futures start today. 威尼斯电玩城手游投资于社区和区域环境倡议,以建设强大的明天. 威尼斯电玩城手游与土著群体合作,保护重要的栖息地,保护濒危物种和环境.


  • 环境al management training programs
  • 濒危保护物种
  • 传统的土地利用方案
  • Outdoor and environment programs for youth
  • 环境 stewardship and conservation
  • Protection of watercourses, watersheds, aquatic habitats, etc.

蓝色环境图标  教育和培训

威尼斯电玩城手游与土著群体合作,培养获得就业和继续教育所需的技能和能力. This includes support for basic education programs for skills development and 威尼斯电玩城手游奖学金.


  • 幼儿发展
  • 继续参加学校项目
  • Language and cultural education
  • Literacy and numeracy programs
  • Homework and mentoring programs
  • 高中升级
  • 驾驶员培训工作
  • Trades, safety and vocational skills training
  • Supplier/business capacity building

Spotlight | 土著 Legacy Scholarship

威尼斯电玩城手游的奖学金计划通过投资教育和培训项目来鼓励下一代社区领袖,为未来建立一支强大而熟练的劳动力队伍. In 2022, we awarded 800+ scholarships worth more than C$2.1 million to students across North America.

Find out if you pre-qualify today.

满足内森, 血部落的成员和土著遗产奖学金的获得者. 了解更多威尼斯电玩城游戏下载内森如何在重返学校后找到新的目标和动力.

来认识一下Loretta,她是Bigstone Cree Nation的成员,也是土著遗产奖学金的获得者. 了解更多威尼斯电玩城游戏下载洛丽塔如何踏上学术之旅,这使她重新发现并与她的文化根源建立更深的联系.

tc-case-study-link-blue.png Case studies: Investing in strong communities across North America


Native Fest celebrates Native American culture

这是能源行业的一个重要社区,被称为“世界管道的十字路口”,“库欣, 俄克拉何马州是一个文化丰富的地区,是许多土著群体的家园,每年的秋季节日称为“土著节”,将所有人聚集在一起.

A celebration of Native American culture, TC Energy has sponsored Native Fest annually 自2015年成立以来,作为威尼斯电玩城手游与土著群体建立有意义关系的持续承诺的一部分.


Empowering the young adults of Alexis Nakota Sioux Nation

以精神为基础, emotional and traditional teachings, 亚历克西斯·纳科塔苏族部落的年轻女性维亚米项目为年轻女性提供知识,让她们为自己和家人做出健康和赋权的生活选择. 这个项目, sponsored by TC Energy for two years, 持续三个月, twice a year and includes sessions on nutrition, 金融知识, traditional sewing and the Stoney language. Following the success of the program, in 2019, the program became open to all interested Nation members.


Bringing communities together in Mexico

马德雷山脉之间坐落着墨西哥最广阔的管道系统之一. The region is also home to numerous Raramuri communities. As part of our ongoing work in the region, we hosted an 土著 cultural festival which brought together more than 1,200 Raramuri 社区 members to showcase their music, 食物, 工艺品. 社区成员亦有机会透过互动游戏和视听体验,了解管道建设和安全标准的不同方面.

icon-question-blue-outline.png   Need more information or have a question?

电邮至 indigenous_relations@cqhmmg.com打电话给威尼斯电玩城手游 1-855-895-8754 或浏览威尼斯电玩城手游的 威尼斯电玩城手游 浏览更多信息.